How to auto run world of warcraft on mac
How to auto run world of warcraft on mac

This will make a copy of the WTF folder and all the files into the folder Backup on my desktop. You will want to use the following information in the Terminal:Ĭp -r "/Applications/World of Warcraft/_retail_/WTF" This is what I am going to do in this guide using the folder "Backup". You can have it on your desktop if this is just a temp backup. Now find your Terminal, and double-click to open it.Ĭreate a folder where you want the files stored. Usually right before you do major changes to your UI or before you start using one of the clients from Twitch or Zam.īegin by opening your Terminal. This way is good for backing up manually. Repeat the steps with all the folders you wish to back up. You will want to hit "D" to indicate that it is for a directory. You may be promoted if you are specifying a file or directory. These are the image you get from in game when you hit the Print Scrn (Windows) or Command (⌘) + Shift + 3 (Mac).

how to auto run world of warcraft on mac

This is a folder that is often requested to delete when you are having some issues as data tends to become outdated and/or corrupted over time. Like a browser this stores data to help speed loading times along. This is a very important folder to backup. This folder contains all your settings for the addons, your macros, and you settings for the default UI as well.


You can back this up for easier install, but remember that if you use an older backup of these you may need to update the addons. Not your settings or customization for them. You can backup some or all of them depending on what your end goal is.

how to auto run world of warcraft on mac

There are some key data that is important to back up. This is more than likely in preparation for Classic release at a future date. You folders are now located in a _retail_ folder inside your World of Warcraft directory.

how to auto run world of warcraft on mac

As of patch 8.1 (Tides of Vengeance), Blizzard has changed the file path structure in the World of Warcraft folder.

How to auto run world of warcraft on mac